Thursday, December 6, 2018

Last Refuge:Occam's Razor: Michael Flynn

That there is a game here, there can be no doubt.  How many times have I read it stated as a question as to Mueller's "end-game"?

It may not be possible to end all games, but it may be possible to step back from them, and try to detach one's ego from them.

One's ego gets attached when it goes tribal.  You probably have heard that term bandied about.  How our politics have gone tribal.  It's "my" tribe versus "their" tribe.

If one can detach from the tribe for the moment, and ask what is the truth behind what is going on here?  That may be hard to do.

The article is a part of a long running series of articles about the "soft-coup" against Trump.

Does anyone doubt that there is an effort to remove Trump from office?  Why?  Was there ever any real "collusion" with Russia, or is the accusation a part of the dishonesty of this game?  What do the participants seek?


Mueller has asked for a postponement of Flynn's sentencing for quite some time.  Now that the election is over, maybe he got what he wanted!  That is, the control of the House going to the Democrats.  This means that the soft-coup can be covered up.

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