Saturday, September 23, 2017

Vitamin C

Once upon a time, ( the year 2000 ) I was taking Vitamin C because I read online that it could help with high blood pressure.  At that time, I was told by a general practice doctor that I was borderline hypertensive.  So, I tried it.  Later on, there was a cardiologist who questioned that I had high pressure at all.  This came after I had been using Vitamin C.

I mentioned this to the doctor who said that I really didn't have high blood pressure.  He said he never heard of it.  So, I stopped using Vitamin C.  Now, I am using medications for high blood pressure.

Now, don't anybody jump to conclusions and say that the doctor told me the wrong thing.  However, that may be the case.  Why would he do that?  Could it be money?  Just raising the possibility.

Lately, there has been a rash of gout amongst the relations.  It so happens that I have a lot of uric acid in the blood.  But guess what?  I hear that swigging down some lemon juice could help with that.  So, what does lemon juice have in it?  Good old Vitamin C.

Last thing I need is another medical problem.  I will start taking Vitamin C megadoses again.  Maybe it will help kill two birds with one stone.

Lots cheaper than blood pressure meds.  You can't get rich selling Vitamin C, but you can get rich selling blood pressure meds.  Just saying.

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