Thursday, August 31, 2017

Okay, time for a little outrage

Originally posted 8.31.17, updated on

Why be outraged by this?  The will of the people has been flouted by an unelected judge.  If you say you believe in democracy, or in at least some semblance of it, you cannot approve of this and be consistent with what you say you believe.

Actually, we have a republic, so it isn't a democracy per se.  But judges are accountable, too.  There is a thing called impeachment.  Impeachment can go both ways.

If you want to impeach someone, impeach this dude.

The original post follows:

You need your daily ration of outrage porn?

Well, here 'tis.

Yeah, it is nuff to make me sooooo angry.  A little Marvin the Martian lingo, there.

Hey.  I'm not making fun of anybody getting mad over this.  Just DO something about it.   Bitching about it doesn't get the job done.  Gotta raise it up a notch.

What can you do?  Get your butts to the voting  booth.  So, a guy betrays what he says he's for?  Vote his sorry butt out.  You can do at least that much.

Doing more like passing the word around that a Latino judge decided that an American state legislature cannot comply with Federal law and still be within Federal law, is shall we say, a bit outrageous.  It's like they are forcing unlimited immigration upon us whether we like it or not.  Even if the illegal immigration is against the law.  This is a Federal judge saying the law is against the law.  Impeachment, anyone?

But if you are Juan McCain, well, we just cannot second guess our unelected Federal judges.  No sirreee Bob.

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