Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dissecting the Women’s March - by Robert Ringer

Dissecting the Women’s March - by Robert Ringer: I’ve been watching protests for decades, but the so-called Women’s March last weekend was perhaps the strangest protest I’ve ever seen. The question that most sane people have been asking is, “What was the purpose of the protest?” Protesters carried signs that included such messages as “pro-peace,” “pro-environment,” “love,” “We are allies, not bystanders,” “Girl …


Ringer mentions the inability of those on the left to think rationally.  Perhaps that is why a rational argument goes nowhere with them. 


An example would be so-called climate change.   "Heat trapping gasses" is an oxymoron.  Gasses escape, they do not trap.  The heat goes with them.  If the heat were to be trapped, it would stay in the same place.  Doesn't happen with any gas.  A gas wants to go hither and yon forever and ever.

A rational mind can deduce this.  Or understand the logic.

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