Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Obligatory, 8.2.16

Business is real slow today.  Not only that, I lost an opportunity due to something that was not my fault.  Cost of doing business kind of thing.  That's the way the old cookie crumbles sometimes...

While I have this time on my hands, I just want to say that this business slowdown seems to be happening a lot lately.  Just sayin', folks.  This isn't exactly a high dollar operation.  If people can't afford this, money must be getting tight...

A little further thinking on this might be in order.  The current crop of so-called leaders like to take credit for what they like to call the "economic recovery".  It has been said that we avoided another Great Depression.  Yeah?  What if we didn't?  What if this was just the front end of one?  Just askin', folks.

As I wrote many times before, this current crop of so-called leaders haven't solved any problem at all.  If anything, they have just kicked the can down the road.

It has occurred to me that we've been doing this for the last eighty years.  FDR was said to have beaten the Great Depression.  If he did, then why would we have another?  Just askin', folks.

I am asking and saying things because there may come a time when I won't be allowed to do it anymore.  Just sayin', folks.

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