Saturday, June 4, 2016

Is there anything that Hillary could do that would cause her people to reject her?

Anything at all?

There is a report that Hillary's email wasn't password protected.

Therefore the question: is there anything that this woman can be held accountable for?

This is extreme negligence at the very, very least.  It's like leaving the keys in the ignition in a car parked in front of a master car thief convention.  There's just no way that any classified information could be protected like that.  Countries spend fortunes to overcome even the best security measures and sometimes succeed spectacularly.  The consequences are immeasurable damages to the national interest.

There are those who say that nobody got killed.  This is the kind of thing that bring about the ruin of a nation.  How many people might get killed because of something like this?  There may not be a limit except for the number of people in the country.  I think it is that bad.

Even if it isn't that bad, and even if our adversaries are just kidding about being adversaries, it is still an unacceptable risk.  But to believe that previous sentence, you'd had to be gullible beyond belief.

Ever heard of Murphy's Law?  That kind of thinking would deny that anything could ever go wrong.

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