Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Decisions, decisions

Normally, I don't have trouble making decisions.  That may be a weakness.  When I want to do something, I just do it.  Trouble is that it becomes costly to fix a mistake.

I think that is why I couldn't trade successfully online.  I couldn't just sit still.  I had to be doing something.  What I ended up doing is overtrading.

As far as my current big project, the ranch, it sure didn't seem to be a mistake at first.  Now I am thinking maybe it was.  Trouble is, I don't know whether to give up on it, or to go all in on it.  I am sitting on the fence about a decision that I should be damned sure about.

One thing is certain.  I will have to move out of this place.  It is no longer possible for me to stay here for an indefinite period.  At some point in the future, I am going to have to go.  Where to go is the question.   Out west, or stick around here, meaning the Houston area.

The idea just popped in my head to take a trailer out to the ranch and just go all in on it.  If that didn't work, there'd have to be a Plan B.  But I don't like the idea of pulling that trailer up and down those dirt roads.  The roads aren't good enough for that.  So, I'm looking around for some ideas.  

Everything seems to be in a flux right now.  That may be another reason I'm not posting much.  I am preoccupied.

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