Wednesday, November 4, 2015

We are all spoiled rotten

Just watching the extra features that come with the DVD Revenge of the Sith.  I've had this DVD for years, but never watched these extra features before now.  It does give you an appreciation of what goes into one of these films.  It is a reminder that these things are not cheap.  It cost millions of dollars to make that movie.  It took a lot of technical skill.  All the same, my criticism of the film remains, although I am somewhat humbled by the enormity of the enterprise that produced it.  We are all spoiled, because we expect that.  But to produce it is not something that should be taken for granted.

Although it is humbling to consider how much it took to produce the film, it is also discouraging to consider how much of that was wasted in producing a somewhat flawed product.  The flaws are always remembered more than the quality.  Think of it this way:  you buy a luxury auto, and it has the slightest imperfection in it, you are likely to be incensed.  Never mind that the vehicle is state of the art in many ways, that imperfection is likely to gain more attention that the wizardry that went into the making of the vehicle itself.

It is also discouraging to consider that this blog cannot be first class because it cannot command the money that it would take into to make it into what people take for granted.  Just to produce one post like this could take hours.  Yet it can be read in a minute or less.  Try to get an audience on your own efforts alone is an exercise in futility, I am beginning to suspect.

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