Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Star Wars, Episode III

I've always had a problem with this episode.  I don't really believe Anakin could turn that easily to the dark side.  It turns out that the deleted scenes show more of the plot that could have made the story a bit more believable.  There were a couple, maybe three scenes, in which Padme was conferring with the budding Rebel Alliance.  Instead of showing the lovey dovey stuff in the beginning, they could have shown the rift developing between them.  A lot of that first part of the movie could have been cut out, because it was way too lengthy, and didn't add anything to the development of the story.

I've wondered, then and now, if the episode wasn't a shot at the Bush Administration, which was in office at the  time of the release.  If you watch it now, it could just as easily be against the Obama regime.  Were the scenes cut out to keep the politics out?  Then why keep some of them, and not all of them?

The story was about how the Empire was born.  The same kind of thing is developing for real right now in our own government.  Too much power is invested in the presidency, and in the Courts.

The Congress should act to regain its powers.

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