Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I've got a bad feeling about this

That phrase was worked into just about every Star Wars flick.

Guess what?

When it comes to some of the things happening today, "I've got a bad feeling about this...".

There's a crap load of stories about the Bundy situation.  It may not be over.  Actually, it isn't going to be over until the government gets what it wants.  But there's enough people getting excited over this that there could be a confrontation.  Now the thing that bothers me is that the government will win this thing, and be stronger as a result.  The last thing we need is for the government to get stronger.

Also the Ukraine thing is bubbling up again.  Obama is making "warnings" to Putin about this.  Now, the thing that bothers me here is having Obama as commander in chief if there's a war.  He could use the extraordinary circumstances of a war to enhance his own power.  We don't need a war, but he may have acted in such a way that a way that war will be likely and he would be the beneficiary of it.

I don't like the way things are going and what is being done about it.  The GOP is counting on elections to change all this, but elections can be manipulated.  This isn't looking good.  I'm in a funk.

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