Saturday, March 1, 2014

A practical example of the type of people who will say that there's a crisis of capitalism

Link found at the Coyote blog.


3% is a LOT of money, at least historically, for health insurers. Why? Because their margins are so thin. I know this will come as a surprise with all the Obama demonization of insurance profits, but health insurers make something like 3-5% of revenues as net income. My Boston mother-in-law, who is a very reliable gauge of opinion on the Left, thinks I am lying to her when I say this, even when I show her the Google finance pages for insurers, so convinced is she by the NYT and PBS that health insurer profits consume a huge portion of health care spending.---Coyote blog 
The people that Parapundit refers to as having a problem are exactly these people who refuse to face the facts and would rather believe the New York Times or PBS than their own kin folk, who shows them the evidence.  But neither the NYT ownership nor PBS ownership give a damn about the middle class.  They are only in service to the rich people who own them and who are fooling these poor souls into thinking that they do care about them.

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