Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dept. of Peace

It must be a good idea because Joaquin Phoenix likes it.  Who's that?  An actor.

Look, everybody wants peace.  You don't need to create a bureaucracy in order to have peace.  The thing to do is to reduce the likelihood of a conflict.  That doesn't require a bureaucracy.  What could help it along with be some genuine economic growth everywhere.  The one thing that could make a big difference is cheap and abundant energy.  Also, the mastery of space.

But I've been over that again and again.

The problem with this Department of Peace idea is that it is a wet dream for the leftist totalitarians.  If you look at the laundry list of things they want for this new cabinet level bureaucracy, you'll see that has a leftist slant.  Get rid of all guns?  A leftist dream.  A libertarian nightmare.

But getting rid of guns doesn't bring peace.  To the contrary.  It invites aggression.  From within and from without.

However, for the people of Switzerland, being well-armed has insured that they would not be the victims of aggression.  If everyone thought and acted like the Swiss, there would be fewer wars.  That's a peace idea that everyone should like.

Maybe the Ukrainians can become like the Swiss.  Make sure that they are very well-armed so that they won't be invaded and conquered again.

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