Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Does reason really matter in human affairs, Part 2

Part 1 was here.

The first post was an incomplete thought.  More on that is necessary to thrash it out.

If humans are to pass from the scene, it will take place because of humankind's own hand, or an "Act of God" ( or nature ).

The question then turns to is there any God?  Also, is there any capability of mankind to reconcile his presence with existence?  If you were to take the radical environmentalist's point of view, the answer is no, human beings are a pestilence upon the Earth.  Fewer people or no people at all would be the preference in that case.

In the case of God, then God will take care of all things.  Including the environment.  He can bring back all the extinct little lovable creatures that we exterminated---including fire ants.

As you may infer, I reject both assertions.  Humans do not HAVE to be a negative presence.  Also, I don't believe humans are going to be saved by some higher power.  In my opinion, you have probably got a misanthropic faction that doesn't really want to do anything to improve the situation facing mankind.  Both factions would just as soon let everything go to hell and then a better future will emerge---somehow.  They are both probably pissed off at the world and would like to see it punished.

I believe you can be religious and be dedicated to improving the state of mankind.  I don't believe that God gifted man with reason and then forbad him to use it.  What God granted man with was the power to choose over good and evil.  There can be no good nor evil without choice.  If man has no choice, how can he be any different than any other living thing?  Thus, the challenge to morality of those who claim that we have no choice, therefore there can be no evil.  I reject that notion. We do have a choice.  We must or we are just smart apes.

We are moral creatures.  You can observe that in little kids.  "Your cookie is bigger than mine!  No fair!"  An appeal is made to the authority ( the parent ) for justice.  If there is no such thing as injustice, how can there be any such thing as morality?  Even a little kid knows this.

I am not a Biblical scholar, nor any other kind.  I just think.  This is what I think.  Make of it what you will.

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