Monday, February 3, 2014

Does reason really matter in human affairs?

Why did God gift man with the faculty of reason, and forbid him to use it?  This makes no sense.

That's the one reason why I had a problem with religion that I saw as I was growing up.  Note how I underlined reason.  I have always sought to run my life according to reason, not raw emotion.  I don't trust emotion.  Emotions are fleeting, they do not endure.  The truth endures, emotions do not.

Now, don't get me wrong here.  I'm not attacking anybody.  Just asking the question.  Should people put limits upon themselves?  Can you trust reason?  Is it a waste of time?  Are we pretty much doomed because of our failures?

I was thinking of the above sentence in context of the possibility that humans will destroy themselves at some point.  Will humans pass from the Earth because of human failure, or from an "Act of God"?

Can people save themselves from their own effort?  A religious person will probably say no---that only God can save a person ( or the world for that matter ).    A non religious person may say yes.  Or ,a non religious person may say that technology causes more problems than it solves.

Whoever you listen to on this subject may determine how you respond to a grave crisis.  Maybe you will attempt to meet it and solve it, or just give up on it, and let the chips fall where they may.

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