Thursday, January 2, 2014


Been watching videos like this all day.  It is supposed to be a work day, but there is no work.  People still taking a holiday.  I'll put this one up because it is the most interesting so far.


What makes it interesting is how the Republic fell and the Empire began.  It has some startling similarities to our current situation.
  • Professional standing army---the Founding Fathers were suspicious of this.
  • Loyalties to leaders as opposed to loyalties to the nation as a whole.
  • Leaders who served their own interests and ambitions, as opposed to serving their country.
  • Large diverse population of various creeds, as opposed to a single language, culture, and religion.
  • The rise or the expectation of the rise of a "messiah" or "führer" who will lead the nation to glory.
The nation as we have known it is at risk, no doubt about it.

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