Friday, November 22, 2013

Today is the day

Fifty years ago, today, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

We are all made to understand what a great crime that was.  A thought occurred to me.  Ronald Reagan was nearly assassinated.    If that assassination had succeeded, would we have been made aware of it all the time?  No.  Reagan was a Republican.  Republicans don't count.

Not everybody loved John F. Kennedy.  My old man said "good" when asked about it.  No, my old man wasn't a right wing extremist.  He was probably more of a Democrat than a Republican.  Evidently, he just didn't give a hoot about the Kennedys.

These days, the so-called right seems to like Kennedy.  Reagan himself spoke well of him.  Somehow, though, it is all the fault of the right that he was killed.  If Kennedy could have been transported to this day and time, the left would hate his guts.  But he is a big hero to them now because they can use him to bash the GOP.

Funny how all these anti-government right wingers the left likes to talk about don't ever seem to be the ones who want us to lose faith in the government.  It is the left that attacks the Warren Commission report, not the so-called right wing.  The Warren Commission report was the official government report of the assassination.  The self-described champions of the government, the left, seem hell bent on destroying the credibility of the official government report, yet the so-called right wing are the ones who are anti-government.

Why did Bugliosi write a 1500 page book that debunks the conspiracy theories about the assassination?  Bugliosi is a rabid left winger.  In my opinion, Bugliosi wrote that for the same reason he writes most of his stuff.  To rehabilitate the left.  He has to go in there and repair the damage the crazies do to their image.  In other words, sombody on the left has to defend the government, and that's what Bugliosi does.  If it weren't for Bugliosi, the entire left wing would be denouncing the government and trying to grow it at the same time.  Something there just doesn't add up.

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