Monday, November 18, 2013

Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood Producer And Obama Donor: Obama's Not Embarrassing, U.S. Is Embarrassing



Three things he's saying.
  1. Failure of ObamaCare rollout no big deal.
  2. US should be ashamed of itself for not having healthcare.
  3. US should be ashamed of itself for not having gun control.
Responses to each:
  1. If people die because of this, it's a prosecutable offense because it was fraudulent.  Not my words, but Vincent Bugliosi's words with respect to George W. Bush and Iraq.  If someone lies and that lie results in a death, they could be liable for murder, according to Bugliosi.  If true for Bush, it is also true for Obama if someone dies because of what he did as President.
  2. Not having socialism isn't anything to be ashamed of.  Socialism is an embarrassment for mankind.
  3. Gun control is necessary because of people like Weinberg.  You have to defend yourself against a dangerous threat, and a guy like Weinberg is too dangerous to be running around free.  We need Weinberg control.
If anything is embarrassing about this country, it is that it elected a guy like Obama twice.  Now, that's embarrassing.

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