Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The truth hurts

Sometimes I am aghast at the reaction I get from my writing.  But I am projecting my own values onto others.  That can mean only one thing.  I may respect the truth, but that doesn't mean the rest of the people out there do.  In fact, nobody respects the truth.  Otherwise, they'd like this blog and it would be reflected in the audience numbers.  So, I am aghast that my hard work doesn't pay off.  I should get over that.  It is what to expect these days.

If you think Ann Barnhardt is too tough, it is because of posts like this.  She comes down hard on people.  She just may be right.  She says "we are the gold" meaning that we have to back the currency by the kind of people we are.  At the present, we are not gold, but pig iron---cold, brittle, and worthless, she says.  She's tough, and that hurts.

I was wondering what happened to gold.  It is snowing in hell right now, that's what's happening.  A snowball doesn't have much of a chance in hell, but if you lie good enough, and you're good enough of a magician, you may convince the gullible otherwise.

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