Sunday, June 9, 2013

What's Holding Obama Up?


Why does Obama boast an average approval rating of 48 percent when he scores terribly on each issue he is now handling?...The answer is, of course, demographics. African-Americans, Latinos, gays, students, and single white women are so frightened of a world without Obama and so alienated from Republicans that they dare not give the president overall negative ratings.[ emphasis added]

Actually, it is worse than demographics.  That's because the alienation is being taught to these groups.  The alienation is a product of projection.  These people are being taught that their problems are outside of them, but their real problem is what's inside of them.  Blaming everyone but themselves, they exacerbate their own problems.

Obama always blames others.  That's typical of a leftist.  No matter how badly their policies go, it's always someone else's fault.  These benighted people will always gravitate towards the left because they have been indoctrinated to do so.  They will never get out of it.

The cure is to marry off the women and increase our overall standard of living.  There's no need for dependency when most people have a good paying job.  The Obama regime is increasing dependency, while the failure to produce good paying jobs is a feature, not a bug.

The GOP kids itself by trying to get the favor of these groups by adopting the leftist line.  It didn't work for Reagan when he granted amnesty.  It won't work now.

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