Saturday, June 15, 2013

Learning to hate America?

Peggy Noonan via The Virginian and Instapundit


I feel that almost everyone who talks about America for a living—politicians and journalists and even historians—is missing a huge and essential story: that too many things are happening that are making a lot of Americans feel a new distance from, a frayed affiliation with, the country they have loved for half a century and more, the country they loved without every having to think about it, so natural was it.


Yes.  That's similar to what I wrote this past week.

It may have alienated a few people who visit this blog.  But this blog is about truth, not about fairy tales.

Too many people in this country are believing in fairy tales.

I recall yesterday that Limbaugh had a little to say on the subject.  I couldn't catch it all on radio, so the transcript is here.  Looks like the Establishment Republicans have joined the regime.

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