Saturday, June 15, 2013

total recall 2012 trailer

From what I've read, this remake is definitely inferior to the original 1990 version.

The original was quite a movie.

Some of that movie seems pretty realistic for what a colony on Mars might be like. It would have to be set inside of a mountain, or in a cave. Air would have to be regenerated so that people could breathe. The possibility of people being mutated by radiation could be a real possibility. There would have to be machines that do all this, like the excavator machines in the original movie.

The movie is based upon the short story by Phillip K. Dick, which is called We Can Remember It For You Wholesale.

I've read the plot of the remake.  Frankly, I can think of a better idea for a remake myself.

All you need is someone like Cohagen in the original.  Someone who wants to control everything, so he won't allow the secret to producing more air to become known.  That's easy.  Our entire society today is revolving around that very concept.  Radical abundance is possible to us, but is being denied to us so as to remain in control of us.  If the secret became known, their power will be diminished.  So, they, ( the powers-that-be) suppress the secret.  You can do the remake based upon our current situation.

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