Friday, May 3, 2013

State of the Blog, 5-3-13

Last month set a new record for pageviews.  Sounds like great news, huh?  But not really.  The pace of growth is way, way too slow.  Over the years, I've learned how to be more patient, but at the core, I'm not patient by nature.  I want to move on things---get moving.  The blog is moving way too slowly.  Something has to change.

The pace of growth is one thing.  Another thing is that blogging takes up all my time.  I don't mind this, but there are other things besides this blog.

Now don't get me wrong here.  I don't want to quit blogging.  I want to be more efficient and effective, that's all.  The more successful people don't work themselves into an early grave.  I'm driving myself like a slavemaster.  I have a tendency to do this, yet here I am at the bottom of the heap.  It is a common refrain in my past.  Work hard at getting old, because all the hard work isn't getting me anywhere really.

Physically, I'm wearing down.  I really need something to do when I get older and can't work like I do now.  Driving a truck for a living is a younger man's job.  I'm getting too old for this.  Yet, I look at this blog as a replacement of some kind, and it makes no money.  What to do?  I don't want to quit the blog, but at some point, I'm going to have to quit driving.  There has to be something to take its place because I'm not rich and I can't retire.

At this point of this post, it seems like a list of complaints.  I don't want to complain.  But it is somewhat in my nature, but suppressed for the most part.  Just to restate, something has to change.  I must be more effective.  I need to pick up the pace, if you will.

Turning to subject matter of the blog, it has been my belief from the beginning that energy and space are vital for the future.  Lately, with the thoughts on the nuclear rocket, I've come to the conclusion that nuclear energy is the only way forward.

With that in mind, I looked again at the Thorium Energy Alliance.  I've liked the LFTR since I first heard about it.  But like the blog, the pace of growth for that subject seems way, way too slow.  It's like watching grass grow.

As bad as things are in this country and in the Western World, the fact that a solution like this isn't being pursued with great vigor is something that just puzzles the hell out of me.  There is no single laser like focus on this and there should be.  All of the other ideas are second rate compared to this.  Unfortunately, most people don't know and those who do, don't seem to care.

That's on the ground.  In space, we also have something that works, but has been languishing for 40 years.  That's the nuclear rocket.  It probably isn't any mere coincidence that the nuclear rocket and nuclear energy are at a standstill.

People are just reacting to fear.  But the fear has to be overcome.  We can't go back to the horse and buggy any more than a baby can go back to the womb.  If we don't pursue nuclear energy, it will mean ruin--- for chemical energy is insufficient for our needs and a lower energy lifestyle guarantees only one thing--- the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse.  For most people, nuclear energy is the Apocolypse.  However, if nuclear energy is the Apocolypse, then the Apocolypse cannot be avoided.  For we don't have a choice.  We make nuclear energy work, or we die.  We don't have the luxury of deciding to stay with the status quo.  Chemical energy is insufficient.  Solar and wind and other renewables cannot even begin to work.  It is merely avoiding what is necessary if we are to move forward.  And we can't move forward without nuclear energy.  It's move forward or perish.

So, I'm going to focus more on nuclear energy and the nuclear rocket on this blog.

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