Saturday, January 19, 2013

Can Outrage over the Zealotry of Federal Prosecutors Outlast Swartz Case?

As Reason readers know, overzealous behavior by federal prosecutors is hardly a new phenomenon...He hopes the activism in response to Swartz’s suicide doesn’t end just with proposed changes to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act...The goal in these cases isn't to stop and punish someone who is a serious threat to other people. It's to send a message to the rest of us: Defy the government as this person did, and here is what will happen to you.


Yeah, so what's the point of going after Swartz so hard?  I don't think it was because he "stole" some copyrighted material.  I think it was because he thwarted an attempt to gain unjustified control over the internet and the free expression of ideas that take place on it.  In other words, it was punishment for defying their intentions to gain complete and total control over us all.

We've got a real problem here.

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