Saturday, November 10, 2012

More on why Romney lost

Yesterday I was thinking that I would stop writing about politics.  Politics is just totally depressing and disagreeable in so many ways that I can't even begin to mention.

But it is necessary.  You must stay engaged.  It would be very easy to just go into a fetal position and start sucking your thumb.  That would be first instinct, but it would not solve any problems.  We've got big problems here.  Better stick with it, then.

Here's a number of reasons why Romney lost

  1. Wrong kind of guy for the job.  We needed a business man who made things.  Our problem in the private sphere is in our financial system.  Romney is that kind of guy.  Who is conservative and in the private sphere and makes things?  That's the kind of candidate we needed.  Of those who were in the primaries, the only one who was a businessman and who made things was Herman Cain.  Cain did make pizzas--- not impressive sounding, but it is tangible.  Did Gingrich?  No.  Did Bachmann?  No.  Did Perry?  No.  Ron Paul?  No.  Huntsman was with some big corporations that made things--- Ford and Caterpillar.  Santorum?  No.  Pawlenty?  No.  Thus, there were only two candidates for the nomination that had experience making things.
  2. Wrong strategy.  In the primaries, Romney used his money power to dispose of his rivals who gained an advantage over him.  While it is good to be able to raise money, it is not good strategy in the general election.  Romney could not get enough of a money advantage on Obama that was advantageous.  Money alone could not win this election.
  3. Wrong tactics.  Especially towards the end by going soft.  Playing prevent defense when all that does is prevent you from winning.
  4. Wrong religion.  There may have been a significant number of otherwise Republican voters who would not support a Mormon for President.  Romney could not overcome this.  He might have, but he had no effective way of doing this.
  5. This leaves no candidates who could have been good enough.  That's because Cain was eliminated because of a scandal and Huntsman would not have been any better than Romney on the religion issue.  The Republicans needed a dark horse that could have passed muster.  They should have recognized this early on and began working on that problem before it was too late.
  6. Too much reliance upon ideology.  Reagan didn't trust ideology.  If you want another Reagan, better change your blind faith in ideology.  Although Romney wasn't ideological per se, he eliminated at least one of his opponents on ideological grounds.  That would be Gingrich for his moon base proposal. Santorum was eliminated for the very reason of being ideological.  Anti-ideology is its own ideology.  Romney was more "moderate"--- which is just another form of ideology.  It doesn't get away from ideology.  It just changes its name.
  7. He may have gotten sabotaged.  There are some reports out there that his own staff may have sabotaged him by making him believe that he was ahead.  This is conceivable to me.  That stuff, if true, would be a lot like what happened to Sarah Palin.  There were those who torpedoed her by having her go on television before she was ready.  If Romney got sabotaged, it was his own fault.  That goes back to his own innate abilities, which were not quite what they were hyped up to be.
  8. Update:  Almost forgot this one:  Romney didn't defend Bush.  In 2008, that would have been impossible, but in 2012, not impossible.  Bush's jobs record was better than Obama's.  Should've mentioned that.  Bush's record in the Middle East was better than Obama's.  Should've have mentioned that too.  Overall, Bush's record was better.  Even Bush's so called bad record on civil liberties is better than Obama's.  People are conditioned by the media to believe Bush was not better.  But he was.  If you concede that Bush was not better than Obama, you may as well as given up in the first place.

Those are the reasons that I can think of.  There may be many more, but that's all for now.

They had better find a dark horse and find that dark horse soon.

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