Saturday, September 22, 2012

Voting for your own best interests

Lefties like to say that people don't vote for their own self-interest.  I think this is derived from the old communist idea of false consciousness.  Any liberal lefty, like Michael Moore, is using that communist notion every time they say this.  But the way they say it is with a twist of corruption.  It isn't communism, it is a corruption that will eventually get you there.  The left will bribe people for their votes, then when they collapse the capitalist system, communism will take over.

The problem with this formulation is that communism won't work.  In the historical comparison with capitalism, communism just doesn't measure up.  For example, China dumps the communist model, and is now the fastest growing major economy in the world.  But they were on a communist model prior to that.  That old model wasn't working too well.  China was backward until they started using the market as an organizing principle.

Let's not glorify China, though.  They are still being run by Communists, even if they are better capitalists than we are.

Let's face it lefties.  Obama is a communist, and so are the rest of you.  You believe this class envy garbage, so you are communists.  But your utopian system doesn't work.

Communism doesn't work because it removes the incentives that make it possible to make progress.

Progress isn't automatic.  History has shown that civilizations can go centuries without changing in any fundamental way.  The idea of progress as an ongoing process is actually a recent phenomenon.  It is thanks to the capitalists--- not to the communists.  Progress has occurred under capitalism since the industrial revolution.  The industrial revolution is only a couple centuries old.  It is this continual progress under capitalism that has created the illusion of automatic progress.

But that automatic progress can be undone.  It will be undone if the communists get their way.  For the communists, even though they preach progress, only deliver stagnation.  In their heart of hearts, these so-called progressives hate progress.  For example, Obama preaches jobs, but doesn't deliver.  He can't because he doesn't believe in it anyway.  Just look at his record.  His biggest failure, he says, was not to deliver immigration reform.  If he believed in progress, he would have said the economy was his biggest failure.  Just listen to what he says.  He says capitalism hasn't worked, even though it has.

So, the lefties will tell the average Joe that to vote for capitalists is a vote against their own self-interest. What the left is really saying is that the average Joe should just forget about progress, because he will always be an average Joe.  That may be true, but the average Joe will tend to be better off under a capitalist system than a communist one.  So, how is a vote for communism in the average Joe's interest?

Funny thing about how lefties will tell you that you only an average Joe and that you will always be an average Joe.  They use that envy in order to destroy a way in which an average Joe can benefit.  That is, the benefit is from true progress that is achieved through incentives.  The incentives though, inevitably lead to inequality, which only exacerbates the average Joe's feeling that he is only an average Joe and will always be an average Joe.  So, the lefties use this envy to drive everyone back down to the lowest possible denominator so that they don't feel so average anymore.  But losing that envy means losing the progress that comes with it.  Stagnation results.  You have to be willing to accept some inequality in order to have progress.  Get over yourselves, liberals.

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