Tuesday, August 7, 2012

James Holmes' Psychiatrist Contacted University Police Weeks Before Movie-Theater Shooting

Great stuff on Free Republic.  Unfortunately, too many people out there don't see the value in it.

The comments are great too.  If I may add something here, off that post, I'd mention that information about the 911 attackers was known in advance of the attacks as well.

Just the overall impression here that the system isn't working like it should.

Why not?

The most common response from the knee-jerkers was gun control.  But a simpler way to solve the problem may have involved nothing more than being more alert to the potential threat.

Yeah, if a known looney-tune comes to a movie in a strange-looking outfit, gets up in the middle of the movie, exits the emergency exit--- a more alert security staff should have noticed something not being right.  If so, said security staff may have followed him to discover that he blocked open the exit door, which is supposed to be one-way.  Obviously, he did this for a reason, right?  To re-enter?  So, an alert security man would have followed him further to discover that he was getting all kinds of gear ready for an assault.  That discovery may have prevented the tragedy.

Just basic common-sense.  Only common-sense seems not to be in great supply amongst the knee-jerkers.

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