Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dream space missions

Three dream mission discussed at Popular Mechanics.  ( via Instapundit)

  1. A mission to the Saturn moon Titan
  2. A mission to Pluto
  3. A mission to the asteroids
Of the three, the most serious one is number 3:
Sykes says, all you need is a spacecraft and orbital refueling stations. "The goal is to set up infrastructure to go anywhere we want to go. The surface of moon, Mars, wherever. We'd have the freedom to move around," Sykes says.  "The nation or nations that do this? The future is theirs."

The most absurd one is #2.  What possible reason would you have to go to Pluto?  The mission to Titan is a scientist's dream.  Not practical, but you'd learn something.  If you did #3 first, #1 would be possible, maybe even likely.

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