Thursday, July 26, 2012

Alex Cannara's environmentalist critique of low density energy sources and appeal of thorium @ TEAC4

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by Thorium Remix

Alex Cannara on the importance of nuclear power's high energy density, and the advantage of thorium as a source of nuclear power.

Low energy density energy sources such as solar and wind have a significant environmental impact unless deployed on land already being used for other purposes.

This footage was shot for use in future THORIUM REMIX iterations, and/or other thorium documentaries. YouTube's 1080P MPEG-4 can be used (if you're in a hurry) otherwise contact for access to all camera angles.
Note: Cannara is a member of Sierra Club, which is anti-nuclear.  He strongly supports development of LFTR technology.   Thorium can't be all that bad, if a fervent environmentalist supports it.

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