Friday, June 22, 2012

Our Counter Terror Intelligence Is Drying Up

Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!


There's a spot in the video which uses an appropriate metaphor for this administration.  "We are eating our seed corn."  He uses it in reference to how our national security is being undermined, but this is but one example of how this adminstration is running things.  Another example of eating our seed corn is with all of this deficit spending for the purposes of "stimulus".  It does nothing, absolutely nothing to ensure future prosperity.  It just patches things up for the moment.  At some point in the future, the seed corn will be gone, and there won't be anything for the future.  That is quite a scary proposition and should give people pause to consider whether this guy should get another term in the White House to continue doing this kind of thing.

A more sinister interpretation of this is: since this president is at war with this culture, to deprive it of seed corn is something that he actually wants and is deliberately pursuing.  Not as some sort of mistaken policy, but as a deliberate attempt to completely undermine this country in the most fundamental way.

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