Saturday, June 23, 2012

Gee. Where have I seen this before?

We are eating our seed corn.

I guess great minds think alike.

According to the comments section in the link to the post above, there are those who don't agree with that point of view, and furthermore, think that it is rather plebeian.

I suppose all this has something to do with the great Nobel Prize winner who supposedly predicted the current recession and why it all happened.

All I know is that I invested successfully on the basis of my own estimate of the situation. I saw this in 2003 and made money by it. I saw the recession coming in 2007 and made money by it. I think I will trust my own judgment and not the Nobel Prize winner's.

For those who don't read this blog-- let me repeat. This is an energy problem. We can't get at the energy we have. Printing greenbacks does not to solve that problem.

If the Nobel Prize winner "Wizard of Smart" wants a stimulus, then getting the price of energy down to a more reasonable level will add plenty of spending power in people's wallets. But it won't cost the US Treasury a single dime. Instead, it will bring in money.

All the government has to do is to get out of the way.  But that won't happen as long as these leftists are in charge.  The reason they won't is because we are eating our seed corn by design.  It is their design.

It's called limits to growth.  That little gem belongs to the left.  They won't give that up.  Ever.  It is an article of faith.  Don't forget that ideology can make you stupid.

If I said it once, I have said it a hundred times.

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