Tuesday, May 15, 2012


A census of the articles on this subject yields 9 posts on this blog, counting this one.  There's something of interest to report, so hence the post.

Evidently, there's more than one concept out there, as I discovered today from the March 20 Space Show broadcast.   Michael Laine was the guest, and here's his blog.  Evidently, his concept doesn't need the really massive anchor that I discussed in an earlier post.  Not everyone seemed impressed by his ideas, though.

A moonstalk would be quite handy, I would think.  It could give much easier access to the surface, and it might even eliminate the need to use propellants to get to the surface.

It doesn't help with the problem of getting out of the Earth's deep gravity well, but it may give you a destination once you get there.  This is not necessarily a trivial consideration.  For if space access was much cheaper, what would you do, and where would you go?

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