Monday, April 9, 2012

Michigan Tech Breakthrough Could Slash R&D Time for Next Generation of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Michigan Tech News  h/t  Next Big Future

April 3, 2012—

It took Thomas Edison two years and over 3,000 experiments to develop a marketable light bulb. It has taken 10 times that long and who-knows-how-many experiments to develop a system that is far more complicated: the inner workings of a reliable, marketable hydrogen fuel cell.
Also, from the comments section of Next Big Future says his hope is that walk away safe nuclear reactors will replace combustion based power production.

Well!  These reactors existed 40 years ago, so that is already here.  It only needs to be seen and appreciated for the opportunity that it provides.

The main article discusses how R&D time is being slashed in the search for an affordable fuel cell.   Hopefully, it won't take 40 years after something is found before somebody realizes the answer has been right under the noses the whole time.

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