Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sign of the times

Why Don't Young Americans Buy Cars?

This week, the New York Times pulled back the curtain on General Motors' recent, slightly bewildered efforts to connect with the Millennials -- that giant generational cohort born in the 1980s and 1990s whose growing consumer power is reshaping the way corporate America markets its wares. Unfortunately for car companies, today's teens and twenty-somethings don't seem all that interested in buying a set of wheels. They're not even particularly keen on driving.


It seems that the cards are stacked against young people.  Now that ObamaCare has been passed, the young will be even more constrained.  If the Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare, it will be just one more nail in the coffin, as a manner of speaking.  Why should a youngster buy a car?  No job, no money, and the government is making things harder, not easier.

It is really a curious thing that so many youngsters vote for Democrats.   Talking about voting against your interests.  That's what the left likes to say about voting for the right, but look at what they themselves are doing to the people who vote for them.

h/t Free Republic

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