Saturday, February 25, 2012

Who Won The Debate? ( mentioned earlier today)

Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Comment: In short, Romney. Why all the push towards Romney? Seems like so many want to embrace the guy, but why?

I agree that Santorum should avoid making contraception an issue. That's playing on Obama's turf.

He said that Newt won, but that won't take votes from Romney, but from Santorum, so Romney won.

 I think Romney lost on substance, as he usually does.  Gingrich won by default.  Neither Romney, Santorum, nor Paul could consistently win on substance.  If people prefer image over substance, then who cares about contraception?  If contraception matters, substance matters, and Gingrich has the substance.

The conservative, not-Romney faction keeps splitting its votes. That puts Romney in the drivers seat. I hope that Santorum can win and keep Romney from claiming an early victory.  Otherwise, Morris could be right.

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