Saturday, February 25, 2012

2012 Arizona Republican Presidential Debate

I missed this earlier this week:

Part 1  Santorum proposes cutting 5 trillion from spending.  Says how he did it in Congress.  Romney says that Santorum not fiscal conservative.  Santorum said Romney support raising debt ceiling this past summer.  Santorum also said debt went down while he was in Congress.  Said Romney raised taxes, but he never did while in Congress.  Romney replies only raise ceiling if cut, cap and balance in place.  Gingrich said he balanced the budget while Speaker, and added that 16 to 18 trillion in revenues if drilling for oil not hindered.
Paul against foreign aid, says Santorum was a fake.  Santorum replies he had a high rating from conservative groups.  Said Paul rated low by same standards.

Part 2   Santorum said Romney didn't know what he was talking about with respect to earmarks.
Part 3  Santorum said Romney was inconsistent about bailouts. Romney defends bailouts of auto, but not for banks. "Romney: Giving companies to UAW was wrong." Santorum not fair comparison. Gingrich says Obama paid off UAW.
Part 4  "Birth control" question gets booed by audience.  Gingrich makes freedom of religion point.  Audience cheers.  Romney adds to religious freedom protest. More cheers.  Santorum discusses contraception and what he meant by it-- makes good points.  Says you don't need a government program to "fix it".  Cheers.  Paul says keep government out of it.  Romney says family is important, adds to Santorum's points.
Part 5  Romney denies he infringed upon Catholics religious freedom.  Gingrich said not true, says Romney did do this.  Government taking over medical care is tyranny, he adds.  Paul says morning after pill is same as birth control.  Adds that Santorum voted for Planned Parenthood.  Santorum explains how this happens, it is part of the process, voted for it even though it had things in it he didn't like.  Seems like Santorum got some boos in response to something Romney said.  Romney said Santorum endorsed him in 2008.  Santorum defends support of Arlen Specter.
Part 6  Border question directed at Paul-- diverts to something else.  Reform immigration process.  Gingrich asked fence question-- says fences worked, but was stopped.  Also needs to improve efficiency and competence--- will waive requirements and red tape in order to finish fence.  Romney talks about E-Verify, pledges to finish fence.  Santorum says enforce the laws.  Gingrich criticizes Obama speech in El Paso.  Can't pass Comprehensive Immigration Bill, must pass a piece at a time.
Part 7  Silly one word descriptor question.  Romney on women in combat.  Obama is shrinking military, he adds.  Gingrich say women in combat misleading question.  Ask combat leaders, not social engineers in Obama administration.  Most dangerous president on national security in our history.  Paul goes on his anti- war rant.  Santorum agrees with Romney and Gingrich.  Question about Iran:  Gingrich has problem with question and the commander mentioned-- says he inclined to believe dictator in Iran who wants to destroy Israel.  Romney is asked on prices on gasoline-- "pales in comparison" with nukes.  Santorum agrees with Romney-- well spoken, he said. Adds that he has been consistently against Iran getting nukes.  Paul disagrees with the others-- denies that they have a weapon, but these ideas encourages them to get one.  Blaming us, it seems.
Part 8  About Syria, what's the role today.  Santorum:  Syria puppet state of Iran.  Gingrich says create dramatic energy production policy.  Romney agrees with both, bad leadership in Washington.  Paul-- economic argument-- claims that 4 billion spent in Middle East.  Don't have money.  No child left behind asked of Santorum.  Made a mistake he said.  Spent too much money.  Romney--his state led in scores.  Wants school choice, he says.  Gingrich talks about charter schools.  Shrink dept of education.  Criticizes liberal education policies rethink education.  Paul-- no gov't in education.  Go along to get along is problem, he says.
Part 9  What is the biggest misconception:  Paul says he can win. Gingrich says need to solve problems-- his background led to real problem solving-- got it done in DC  Romney-- got to restore America, who can lead country.  Santorum-- run on issues, not with just money alone.  He can win, he says.

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