Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hostile takeover of the American mind

That's a rather bold statement as a title.  To back it up, consider this:
  • 9th Circuit overturns CA ban on gay marriage:  This has happened many times.  The voters of California have attempted to assert their will, only to be thwarted by the courts.
  • Obama Stimulus Turns Three: What Has It Achieved?:  We are told constantly that the economy is improving, but by many measures, it has gotten worse.  Why the disconnect between reality and what is being reported?  The propaganda of the so-called mainstream media is geared toward helping Democrats, not towards honest reporting.  The public doesn't get the truth, and the Democrats are not held accountable.
  • Obama amasses $240M warchest:  Big money is dominating our politics.  But the Democrats, who complain the loudest about this, are the ones who benefit the most.  The most "electable" Republican, Romney, also has the deepest pockets.  All of the money goes into their campaigns that do not enlighten nor inform the public.  Elections are being bought.  People are not being persuaded, but herded.
  • Public Sector Unions:  They have a vested interest in growing the government.  It supplies them with jobs and political power.  They are big contributors to Democrat causes, which are not necessarily compatible with public opinion, but with their own special interest.  These used to be illegal, but are now dominating states like California.  Attempts to rein them in are furiously opposed, as can be observed in Wisconsin.
  • Jewish Community Should Join Catholics Against the Mandate:  The Democrats are hostile towards religion, except their own version of secularism.  On the one hand, they pretend to be in favor of the separation of church and state, but on the other, they try to separate people from their faiths.  Then, they indoctrinate young people into their own beliefs while these young people attend the public school system.  The separation of church and state morphs into a separation of churches from the people and the establishment of a state religion.
  • Update:  I found another example:  Campaign against Canadian Keystone XL pipeline driven by US foundation millions  ---- quote: "Concerns about that lack of transparency found their vent on Feb. 9 when Brian Jean, a Conservative member of the Canadian Parliament, called for legislation to ban deep-pocketed foreigners from bankrolling what he called Canada’s “radical” green movement."
None of this is an accident.  It is all designed to accumulate more and more power into the hands of the powerful that is determined to overthrow the current order.  The people do not want this, but are being herded into it by this big money and their allies in the government.

The Republican party is not much help.  They like the money too and get corrupted by it.  They end up corrupting the people and help the Democrats toward entrenching this kleptocracy until it will become an unstoppable tyranny.

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