Sunday, January 29, 2012

Romney is winning his battles, but losing our war

That the attack on Newt’s Reagan bona fides came from someone who openly ran against Reaganism and against the conservative agenda in 1994 was an irony lost only on the pro-Romney Republican establishment and media. [ emphasis mine]


This goes beyond irony.  If they lose the unity of the party, they have no hope of victory.  Gingrich stepped aside in 1998 for the sake of party unity.  He may do it again, but his support and from his supporters will be lukewarm at best.  Some stuff is not forgotten, nor forgiven easily.  There was no need for this.  It was, as this quote indicates, more Romney than Newt:

The schism need not have occurred. It entirely is an outgrowth of the way in which the Romney campaign and Republican political and media establishments have conducted themselves.

Newt rose in the polls in the fall on a positive message of not attacking fellow Republicans.

I could swear that the intention is not to win in the fall, but to ratify by default another four years of Obama.

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