Friday, September 30, 2011

Cold Fusion is politically incorrect

If you are going to be a cold fusioneer, you may as well realize you're a renegade.  Anybody who believes in cold fusion has got to be a renegade.  The hot fusion people are the conventional types who are also the politically correct types.  It looks to me like LENR wants to go mainstream and curry favor with the politically correct.  As a believer of cold fusion, you may be forced into a renegade's role.  But that isn't new for cold fusioneers.  The difference is that LENR doesn't want to be in the out group, and doesn't want to be the renegade.  They want to be "in".  It has its counter part in politics, if you will, with the other out groups who are consistently being marginalized by the "ins".  If government won't do you right, you may have to rebel, or threaten to.

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