Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rand Simberg

...doesn't like the Deficit Commission recommendations regarding NASA's Commercial Crew program.

It’s pretty clear from the announcement that they don’t even understand the purpose, and that it would save NASA billions. In fact, they are unwittingly recommending ending NASA human spaceflight, and consigning us to continuing to be held hostage by the Russians for years.

I have downloaded the Deficit Commission pdf.  I may be commenting upon this in connection with the Augustine Commission.  How do you square the Augustine Commission with this?  They are going logger heads at themselves.  These two commissions are Obama creations.  I guess that explains it.

Update:  I did a quick skim of the Def Comm pdf.  They propose 200 billion in cuts, plus a gas tax increase of 15 cents.  Plus a few other items to reform tax code and social security and health care.  Not much on the above story.  It is there, but no explanations nor justifications were given for the cut in Commercial Crew.  The above story advocates the program for the reasons given.  That's how you get a penny wise pound foolish argument.  Don't cut muscle, just cut the fat.  This could get interesting with the new Congress.
I took a screen shot of the page in which I underlined the cut in question:

More on the Def Comm at Huffpo.  I made a pretty cynical comment over there.  It reminds me of the song
Dirty Laundry, by Don Henley.  Nothing constructive is likely.

Update 2:  If cuts are desired, then move back the timetable to Mars.
That ought to save some money.  As I mentioned before, a trip to
Mars is too ambitious.

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