Friday, November 19, 2010

Moonbeam to the rescue

You have to be scraping the bottom of the barrel to bring out an old and seemingly discredited politician like Jerry Brown.  But the Democrats did it.  Why not, I suppose.  The Republicans brought back Richard Nixon.  But how did Jerry Brown become Gov. Moonbeam?  Is it because he is just a flake?  How did Gov. Moonbeam win again?

Maybe he fits the zeitgeist of the times, so says Timothy Egan:

voters decided that a grumpy penny-pincher is just what they need 
But Governor Moonbeam was more than that.  He's admittedly different from the rest:
Mr. Brown — not surprisingly — sees it differently, saying the nickname shows he’s “creative and not hidebound to the status quo.”

I can relate to this governor.  After all, my ideas on space got me called a "space cadet" on Huffington.  And Governor Moonbeam favored an ambitious space policy himself.  Maybe we are kindred spirits in a way.  But he is on the left and I am not.   Perhaps the answer lies not in the middle, but somewhere that doesn't include ideology.  That's what Ronald Reagan believed.  Perhaps we need to shed politics and just look for solutions to problems instead.

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