Friday, December 1, 2023

Where's the beef?


Congress votes to expel Rep. Santos

There weren't many details given in the article. Seems like I've read that he lied a lot. If they're going to remove Congresscritters for lying, they might as all resign now.

Just more stupidity from the GOP. Sure, they have a razor thin majority. They may owe some of it to this guy, so what do they do? They make their majority smaller. Makes sense to me!!! /not Representative Gaetz said that there was no precedent for removing a Congresscritter except for felony or joining the Confederacy. I guess this is "improving" the situation.

This isn't going to impress any of their enemies, and people don't seem to give a hoot anyway. They all lie their asses off all the time. It's just stupid, but that why they are called the stupid party. I suppose their reasons are that they want to uphold standards. Yeah. Right.

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