Friday, December 1, 2023

Dems feeling sorry for themselves

WaPo in full psychotic breakdown

I linked to the page, which is something that the left would never do to any response to its dark imaginings of a second Trump term.

So, what could a Trump supporter get from reading something like this?

The thing I would fear is that something like this could be used as a pretext for another power-grab. Or something even more dark and sinister.

Look, these people are scared. Largely they are scared about what harm may come to themselves for opposing Trump. But what they don't seem to get is that their opposition is not why they should be punished. Yes, many of them should be punished. But even if Trump wins, and the Congress shifts to the GOP, none of his dark imaginings will likely materialize.

How do I know this? I think I know the GOP. They don't march lockstep like the Democrats do. You cannot get the GOP to unite anymore than you can get a cat to obey commands. But this guy thinks that the GOP are super united and everything. The fact that he dark imaginings didn't happen after 2016 doesn't seem to get considered here.

The GOP isn't going to reform itself and actually unite behind anything at all, especially being decent for a change.

I see a second Trump term as a lot like the first. The GOP will pretend to support him, but won't. The Democrats will continue to falsely accuse, and not be held to account for it.

If that didn't happen, and there was real accountability, a lot of people may end up being charged with treason. And they should be. But it won't happen. To me, that would be a shame.

This sick ass rant of his just displays his fears that they may be some accountability after all. He is so broken hearted by it all. Poor baby.

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