Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Don't forget: The protesters supporting the Hamas mass murderers are all Democrats

One could get the impression that these people regard values such as mercy as weakness. If Israel stops short of wiping them out for this, they will think of it as such. Consequently, Israel had better be resolutely determined to wipe them out.

Incidentally, that is what I thought after 9-11. Since these people like to say that they love death so much, I don't see any reason why we should deny them what they seem to want so badly. Later on, I figured that was too severe a reaction, but now I am not so sure. we should have begun a total wipeout of all of them unless they begged for mercy, and when they did, it would only have been granted if they renounced their so-called religion. Otherwise, it would be death to them all.

If that seem too bloodthirsty, then keep in mind that if you do not solve a problem, it will return. These people think they can do this forever, and nobody will have the will to stop them. I hope that they are not right about this.

For supporting Hamas, the Democrats must also be held accountable. It certainly appears that they seem to think that they can do whatever the hell they want. For this, and many other reasons, the Democrats must be crushed. It should be kept in mind that it was the Democrat party that split the nation in the 19th century. But malice toward none and charity for all did not make these people any better.

Behind the Black blog

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