Saturday, September 9, 2023

A long and lonely road

Thirteen years ago, I began writing this blog on a full time basis. There have been nearly 15k posts over that time, and it is now closing on nearly a million pageviews over that time. The blog has taken many turns during that time, but there has been one thing that hasn't changed. It has always been about the truth. This while recognizing that the truth is not necessarily easily seen, nor accepted. It could also be a matter of thinking you are right, but instead you could be dead wrong.

It has also been a search for knowledge. Something was being lost, yet it was happening in a hidden sort of way. Something had gone wrong, but what was it? Lately I've been educating myself on the Bible. It is hard to understand something if you are ignorant of it. The lessons have been long in coming, but it is coming along. There's one thing that is starting to concern me that I want to share here briefly.

History is said to repeat itself. As I watch some videos about Revelation, I get the sense that something very big is happening. If you point it out, people may not believe it. Or they may fight against you when you attempt to point them in the direction of truth.

Something broke in this country during the late sixties. Ironically, this was America at its height. It hasn't returned to that level since. Indeed, the decline is gaining steam. Things are happening now that are frankly alarming. It is all happening right under everybody's nose. Yet nothing is being done about it.

What is in the Bible that I can point to? At this point in time, it could be something like the book of Esther. There was a plot to wipe out the Jews. Esther was secretly Jewish, and she was queen. Her kinsman had found out the plot, and he was in sackcloth and ashes. Esther wanted to understand why. She found out and had to tell the king. But she couldn't go before the king without being summoned. It is clear that the plot had all the angles covered. There seemed to be no way out. Esther had a tough job ahead.

But she found a way and the Jews were spared destruction. I don't know exactly how to put this, but there seems to be something afoot in this country to wipe out the patriots, and install a completely totalitarian regime. The system appears to be rigged for that outcome, and all the angles seemed to be figured out. There doesn't appear to be a way out of this mess, but perhaps there is one that hasn't been accounted for.

That way could involve the people, but who can warn the people of this plot? Will the people, having been warned, accept the truth of the situation, and begin the process of defending themselves? Part of the plot is to remove all possibility of that. The right to vote, the Bill of Rights, due process--- all of these are being swept away, and nobody seems to be noticing. Who will sound the alarms? Will it come in time?

In the Book of Revelation, there appeared to be those who warned of the wrath to come. It has been compared to Elijah and Moses. The people were being warned, and some got the message. However, many didn't. Elijah and Moses appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration. They were to be the witnesses for the people to hear with respect to what was coming, which was the wrath. Could something like that be happening again? Is history repeating?

History may be repeating, but will people heed the warnings? A few seem to be getting the message. Hopefully, it is not too little and too late. This may seem overwrought, and it may well be dismissed. But the facts speak loudly for anyone with ears to hear.

It is late and I'm tired. While everyone sleeps, or is out partying, the darkness is descending upon us all. May God bless you and keep you safe against the gathering darkness.

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