Thursday, June 22, 2023

Rep Schiff of Collyfornia is censured

Rep Schiff of Collyfornia is censured

Schiff censure

Actually, this is yesterday's link, so it is old news. Schiff has already been censured.

Was the fine the issue? This new version doesn't have the fine. As far as the Dems are concerned, there is no reason to be complaining. They went after Trump without cause. Actually, a lot more of this needs to come down the pike so as to get the message across.

What message is that? That you do not go on fishing expeditions to try to get somebody you don't like. The use of government power for this purpose is actually against the law, in particular, if it is political in nature.

There wasn't any collusion. They didn't even have probable cause of any investigation whatsoever. At best, there MAY have been a cause to investigate on an intelligence basis. But without any evidence of wrongdoing, the entire investigation was a fishing expedition. I said so from the start of the Mueller appointment.

The fact that they had two votes suggests that the GOP really doesn't want to hold the Dems accountable.

What will the investigation lead to? Will Schiff's situation actually be up to a vote for ejection from the House? I hope so. Even if only one guy gets the boot, it will be something. More than likely, he will be right back, though. There's no real accountability in politics.

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