Monday, March 27, 2023

Their lips are moving


How she knew that they were lying about covid

Comment upon link:

The lady gives some evidence seen with her own eyes. A little thought and common sense would enable one to connect the dots and conclude that they were indeed lying about COVID. The masking and the lockdowns didn't help. The reason? There were way too many exceptions to the rules. With all the exceptions to the rules, if the masking and lockdowns DID help, then they couldn't because the rules were unenforceable. People were violating the rules left and right. A notable example was Nancy Pelosi going to the salon that was supposed to be locked down. The author of this piece gives several more examples.

So basically, you should know by now that the fastest way to determine if they are lying is to observe their lips. If their lips are movin', they are lying.

I guess it is okay to cite actual evidence of the lies, but it takes a long time to get that out. The COVID madness got started about 3 years ago. It's only now that the truth is being acknowledged. In another 3 years, the truth will have dribble out so much that nobody would doubt it any longer. By that time, the damage that the COVID madness did will have been done, and we will be in the midst of yet another one of their lies.

People need to wise up faster. It took years to uncover the Russia, Russia hoax. It has taken all this time to uncover the COVID hoax. In the meantime, the commies are playing their current hoax. It is a variation of "our democracy" and "rule of law" hoax. This drives the madness surrounding their constant legal harassment of Donald Trump.

It has worked for them because people are too slow in understanding, and/or too weak to oppose them.

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