Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Not an off-grid post


What do you know? A post that is not about off-grid projects. Hmm. I might get in a few sentences, if I can think of anything...

Today was a pretty cloudy day, which means there's not much to do with my solar panels... hence, a new topic must be sought out.

The news doesn't tell me anything these days. The fact is, I don't know if there's anything that you can believe anymore. Here's a few objective tidbits. In spite of all the so-called bad polling of Joe Biden, his numbers in the Rasmussen Poll have been fairly steady in the low forties. Today, it is at 45 per cent approval. That's odd. I've been hearing nothing but bad news for Biden, but that poll isn't much different from Trump's polling numbers.

The point to that is that you cannot believe anything no matter who it is. All the so-called conservative sources are saying that Biden in deep deep doo-doo. So why aren't his numbers in the Rasmussen Polls showing it? This is not in support of the Democrats. Oh, no. It is in support of the truth. I'm not going to write something different just because some folks might find it comforting...

Another thing you might hear is that the public doesn't trust the media anymore. If that was really true, then how do you explain the fact that the public is just swallowing the propaganda hook, line and sinker? The fact of the matter is that we may have some really serious issues ahead, but there's no talk about THAT. Instead, there is all this talk about everything else but that. Call it the politics of mass distraction. Thus, all we hear about is UKRAINE, which should have nothing to do with US. It was the next big shiny thing for the purpose of distraction. COVID was drying up as a bright shiny thing. The last COVID thing to fall was the airline mask mandates. COVID is dead. Long live the war against the Russkies!

So I suppose the lack of posting is an indication of something. That indication is that no matter what I write about, it might have an undue influence of what the narrative masters want everybody to talk about. That is what I am trying to avoid if at all possible. I don't trust anybody at this point.

It is like that Soviet dissident of the Cold War Era said: "don't trust anything but your own crooked eye". I think that is how it went. The world has gone mad. You can't trust anything. It is a bad thing to relate, but that is how I see it.

And that may not be of comfort to those who might be seeking it.

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