Sunday, November 15, 2020

Think the unthinkable


People will not allow for possibility systematic fraud in their thinking

These people keep saying "conspiracy theory" in order to disarm you. This is just another form of gaslighting---telling you that you are crazy in order to silence the argument.

You know I don't want to name names, so I won't do that here. But if you're arguing just for the sake of ego, you are arguing for the wrong reasons. An argument needs to be about the discovery of truth, not in the victory over another person.

With respect to the cornonavirus "scamdemic", people just won't allow for the possibility that all information being supplied to them could be false. There was the example of Fauci telling people that a pcr over 35 is useless, but he is still out there pushing this thing. How can he push this thing when the result is driven by what he said was useless?

How do we know what is true or false if those who push their ideas allow for no challenge?

I looked up the coronavirus microscopic pics. Supposedly, these are the viruses that everyone is talking about. But what if these weren't the viruses that everybody is talking about? What if these pics were FAKE? The pics are to be taken as truth, but what if they aren't?

Once again, CDC admitted to not purifying an extract of the virus. How do they know what they have? They can show pictures until the cows come home, but if you don't know for a fact of what you have, then how do you know what you have? In other words, how can they have pics of this thing without a purified sample?

They "assume" what they have, and they can also show you a "coronavirus" that isn't "the" cornonavirus. Because they really don't know. This particular cornonavirus isn't the only one out there. Showing you a cornonavirus pic isn't proof of anything.

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