Friday, November 20, 2020

Didn't have to wait 500 years for Idiocracy


Geez how do I write about this stuff

There hasn't been many posts about this election aftermath. It isn't as if I haven't been following it. There are those who are doing a fine job of reporting on it, and all I'd be doing is repeating their words. So that is one thing.

The trend is toward less posting because time is short, and I have to keep pushing my own agendas. Politics is pretty important, especially now, but my time is getting short.

Bongino had something about statistical analysis today, that seemed pretty interesting. Statistics is something that I've followed before. It is worth catching his show if you haven't yet.

There was something on Rappoport's blog that caught my eye. He said something about JFK's assassination. Now I've studied that one, and I find it curious that he seems to have come down on the side of the conspiracy to kill Kennedy back then. He didn't go far with it though. It seems doubtful that there was a conspiracy. The government actually worked halfway decent back then.

One thing that I've learned, or think I've learned, is that the information sources you use are vital. The info you get needs to be good.

The news media is crap and I've thought so for decades now. This stuff that Bongino puts on the air isn't new to me at all. The media is part of the problem now, no doubt about it.

If this election is the one in which we truly lose the country, it would have to be chalked up to one thing, and that is the failure of people to care enough about the truth in order to be informed. Knowledge plus action equals power. If we've lost it, then it is only because we have become idiots.

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