Monday, April 20, 2020

Obligatory, 4.20.20

This blog may take a new direction. The problem is that commentary upon the news just doesn't interest me anymore. Everything is political. I'm tired of that. Maybe it is time to move on. The rest of the world can argue about everything under the sun, but it isn't my idea of a good way to spend my time.

I do have the other blog, but I haven't been posting there much either. However, I try to do a little each day to prepare for the time when I go there. The problem there is that I may not go at all because of health reasons. Perhaps that is reducing the enthusiasm.

I'm off of twitter and facebook. Those used to be sources for posts. I dropped them because I suspect that my info got on the dark web because of these social media sites. That may not be the case, but I suspect them just the same.

As for the big news of the day, this Wuhan virus thing, it doesn't interest me much either. People are taking it much too seriously around these parts. For anybody to die of it here, you'd have to be really unlucky or careless in the extreme. I think a mask and gloves are a bit much. During this entire thing, I haven't worn anything like that yet. I cannot conceive of a situation in which I would.

As I wrote before, posting will be light until I figure out something new.

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